St Mary's Church (Anglican)

Ryan's Road, ESK VALLEY

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This historic place was registered under the Historic Places Act 1980. The following text is the original citation considered by the NZHPT Board at the time of registration. The little church was designed by B.W. Mountfort, the architect responsible for the Canterbury Provincial Buildings. It was built of limestone from the Albury district and roofed with wood shingles - later replaced with iron. It stands on a low ridge overlooking Esk Valley where it could be seen from Blue Cliffs, five miles away at the foot of the Hunters Hills. It was built in 1880 as a memorial to Ellen Meyer, wife of Charles Meyer of Blue Cliffs Station. She had often expressed the wish to see a church on this site clearly visible from her home. Of the many fine small country churches this is one of the most beautiful in both design and setting. The church was consecrated by Bishop Harper on 11 May 1880 and dedicated to St Mary.

St Mary's Church | 07/05/2007 | Church Property Trustees



List Entry Information


Detailed List Entry



List Entry Status

Historic Place Category 1


Private/No Public Access

List Number


Date Entered

9th September 1984

Date of Effect

9th September 1984

City/District Council

Waimate District


Canterbury Region

Legal description

Pt RS 15715 Blk XI Otaio SD

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