Vaughan Homestead

Long Bay Regional Park, 1550 Beach Road, Long Bay, AUCKLAND

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The following text is from the original Proposal for Classification considered by the Board at the time of registration. This is the homestead of the Vaughan family and was constructed in 1861 by George Vaughan. It was used as a family home by the Vaughan family for several generations. In this time the family was associated with the local gum industry. Although it has had more recent additions, in the form of an extra wing and second storey added in 1938, the original building with its historical associations still exists behind the 1938 work.

Vaughan Homestead, North Shore | NZ Historic Places Trust



List Entry Information


Detailed List Entry



List Entry Status

Historic Place Category 2


Able to Visit

List Number


Date Entered

2nd February 1993

Date of Effect

2nd February 1993

City/District Council

Auckland Council


Auckland Council

Legal description

Pt Allot 12 Parish of Okura (NZ Gazette 1991, p.1056), North Auckland Land District

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