Edendale Homestead Complex

1941 Edendale- Woodlands Highway (State Highway 1), Edendale, SOUTHLAND

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Edendale Homestead Complex has outstanding historical significance. The history of the homestead is intertwined with the pioneering development to the Edendale Dairy Factory in the early 1880s. The Homestead was built in 1883 as the manager's residence for the resident manager of the New Zealand and Australian Land Company's Edendale Estate. The Edendale Dairy Factory was established just previous to the construction of the homestead, and until the early twentieth century, when it was sold to the former manager of the Estate, it was the focus of the Estate's operations in Edendale, including oversight of the dairy company's operations. The Edendale Dairy Factory was a pioneering operation, suggested by William Davidson and Thomas Brydone as forming a basis for economic development in the region which would facilitate the sale of land in Southland. Davidson provided information on the plans and equipment for the factory on a trip to Canada, while Brydone was responsible for the execution. The Dairy Factory was the first set up to work on a large scale factory system, and it won the government bonus for the first dairy export over 50 tons. In addition on the first shipment of frozen meat aboard the Dunedin in 1882, was a small quantity of butter from the Edendale factory, which successfully survived the journey. The history of Edendale is as important of that of Totara Estate in relation to the establishment of the dairy and meat industries of New Zealand.

Edendale Homestead | Heather Bauchop | 01/11/2006 | NZ Historic Places Trust



List Entry Information


Detailed List Entry



List Entry Status

Historic Place Category 1


Private/No Public Access

List Number


Date Entered

6th June 2007

Date of Effect

6th June 2007

City/District Council

Southland District


Southland Region

Extent of List Entry

The registration includes part of the land in Certificate of Title 17935, as indicated in Figure 3, Appendix 3 of the Registration Report, Edendale Homestead, including the tree-lined entrance way, the stables and barn and the mature tree plantings surrounding the homestead.

Legal description

Lot 2 DP 304456 (RT 17935), Southland Land District

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