Incentive funding available for heritage conservation
March 27, 2024 | Stories
Wheriko Church received support for the development of a conservation plan in 2023 | Courtesy of Russell Murray

This is a story from our monthly newsletter, Heritage this Month.

David Watt

Our National Heritage Preservation Incentive Fund (NHPIF) opens for applications on 29 April and closes on 21 June. Decisions will be made by the Board in August.

The NHPIF has been operating since 2004, with a significant number of heritage property owners receiving support. The priorities for funding grants are:

  • conservation and preservation of sites of significance to Māori
  • conservation work to heritage places to increase resilience and respond to the impacts of climate change, including repairs, and site stabilisation relating to land and archaeological sites
  • seismic strengthening and risk management planning
  • all other eligible work.

The fund is open to privately owned places on the New Zealand Heritage List/Rārangi Kōrero. Heritage places that are not in private ownership are encouraged to apply to local funds, Lottery or similar. Our staff are available to provide advice on funding options.

The NHPIF normally pays no more than 50 percent of the cost of conservation work, and individual grants will not normally be greater than $100,000.

See our website for more details or contact us for assistance.

National Heritage Preservation Incentive Fund
Goldie's Brare | Courtesy of Cle0patra (Flickr)
Find out more about applying for the National Heritage Preservation Incentive Fund, including past recipients.
National Heritage Preservation Incentive Fund

David Watt | Senior Outreach Advisor Regional Services
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